Wednesday 24 September 2014


Workforce diversity is referred to as a workforce consisting of a broad mix of workers belonging from different ethnic and racial backgrounds, ages & genders and different cultures. These days, workforce diversity has become an essential aspect of the workplace. This can be seen in many companies you look around, especially big companies which consist of a heterogeneous mix of employees belonging to different cultural backgrounds, ages and genders. 

I have chosen Increasingly Diverse Workforce as my blog topic because I think this is a topic of my interest. This is because as an international student, I myself have experienced the diversity in the Canadian culture. I have met different people here belonging to different races and ethnic backgrounds who work together in one common work environment. According to me, the increase in diverse workforce is beneficial for any company as it gets a broader pool of candidates to choose from. 

The video provided below gives a general idea of what workplace diversity actually means and what are the different characteristics of diverse workforce. It classifies workforce based on 5 generations:
  1. Gen Z
  2. Gen Y
  3. Gen X
  4. Baby Boomers
  5. Traditionialists
Apart from these classifications, it also classifies diverse workforce elements as people belonging from different ethnic backgrounds, educational qualifications and disabilities.